UAS Safety Case Development, Process Improvement, & Data Collection (A24_A11L.UAS.50)
This research relates to the development of the technical data requirements, test methods, risk assessments, safety risk management processes, data collection, and administrative processes/reporting used to inform safety cases in support of the UAS integration regulatory framework. It will develop a system to capture test objectives and categorize them consistent with the FAA’s UAS Integration Research Plan functional areas and research domains. The analysis of these data will inform the development of regulatory products (i.e., rules, standards, policy, etc.) needed to reach UAS integration milestones. Finally, it will facilitate the query and reporting of data in a consistent format across the Test Sites.
Mark Askelson
Exec. Director | Associate Dean of Research
Res. Inst. for Autonomous Systems (RIAS)
John D. Odegard School of Aerospace Sciences
University of North Dakota
Email: |
Phone: 701.777.6880 | 701.777.6334